Julie Sedgmen
Julie Sedgmen | Counselling Psychotherapist
Julie Sedgmen is a Holistic Counselling Psychotherapist specialising in individual and organisation wellbeing founded on the principle of developing a learning mindset for a flourishing life where we develop the art of harnessing our challenges into our stepping stones of growth.
As a Workplace Wellbeing Practitioner, the aim of Julie’s practice is to support awareness-based change for individuals and organisations. This supports growth and transformation to happen in our relationship with our Self, others and the world. We can literally see the world with fresh new eyes.
The philosophy underlying this approach is the knowledge that we are essentially engaged in meaning making while striving to bring our creative forces into the world, which are then offered in service.
Her services include; Boutique Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Provider, Workplace Wellbeing Counselling & Education, Psychosocial Safety Consulting, Holistic Business Development and 21st Century Leadership Development.
Julie aims to support people to flourish and businesses to thrive in the 21st Century.